(14-17 years old)
We want to see teens discover who they are in Jesus and live with purpose.
Discover who you are in Jesus.
Discover who you are in Jesus.
Gather on Sundays
Every Sunday we gather together to meet the One who loves us deeply, create space to hear from Him and pray for one another. It is in these moments that God meets us where we are at.
ROCK ZONEExperience Youth
Growing up can be all kinds of awkward but this is where you can come as you are. It is a time for ALL youth to meet up, grow in faith, and have fun. This takes place on the 4th Sunday of each month. Don’t come alone, bring a friend!
Time: 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Location: Upper Room
Step into your part of God’s story.
Step into your part of God’s story.
Getting Baptized
Jesus calls us to a new different life and it starts with baptism. There will be a three-week course to walk you through this new adventure with God. If you are a follower of Jesus and have yet to get baptized, we encourage you to take that step.
You can create room for more people to experience God’s love by supporting the work Collective is doing locally and globally, no matter what your age is. You can start with your tithe, which is 10% of what you have (pocket money) back to God.
You can help others experience his love when you serve humbly in love. You can change the world for those around you when you allow God to move in you and through you.
SERVE NOWHappenings
Look forward to upcoming events available throughout the year to have fun, make new friends and form our lives around Jesus.